Greg Lueck, Partner

I am a builder. It’s not just what I do, it’s who I am. I build stuff, I fix stuff—from small, every day things to remodeling our home, building teams and even companies. Some would call that serial entrepreneurship, but to me it’s much simpler—I just like to be busy building things.

I started my career way back in 1980 at a manufacturing company, James River Corporation, as an electrical engineer out of the University of Wisconsin. Those were the days before personal computing devices. While I built some pretty interesting stuff during my thirteen years there, I had reached a point were there was little left to create.

I decided to try consulting as it looked like it would provide the variety and challenges needed for someone that just wanted to build stuff. I joined Cap Gemini out in the frontier of the Pacific Northwest and moved across the country. I’ve been a consultant and a resident of Washington State ever since.

I’m a bit of a serial (or parallel) builder. Generally, I have multiple things going on. In the early 90’s I started blowing glass and in 1999 opened a public access studio in downtown Vancouver, WA. That’s how Firehouse Glass came into being. But I will save this part of the story for another time…

After a few years running Firehouse Glass, then a couple interesting years as an independent consultant, I hooked up with a local company called Centerstance. Over the 10 years I was at Centerstance, we built a Salesforce services company that many fondly recall. It was a special place with a lot of special people in a fast growth market niche. We took the company through rapid growth phases and all the bumps associated with that. We did an acquisition and had more lined up to broaden the company’s geographic footprint. Then along came NTT and we agreed to be acquired. Centerstance became part of NTT Group as NTT Centerstance and later was rolled into NTT DATA Services. In March 2019, I “early retired” from NTT.

Truthfully, a builder never retires—we just find other things to build.
I spent some time at Firehouse and launched a new body of work. I get to work with my son on those types of projects which is a ton of fun. During this season, a few conversations were had, a line of events occurred, and an idea was sparked that led to the formation of The Lueck Group: a company that will take advantage of our experience in this Salesforce niche as well as our expertise in building things—in this case companies. I can’t wait to write the next paragraph!

For more on my professional profile experience: Greg LinkedIn

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Jessica Lueck, PhD, Partner

At heart, I am a developer. No, not the IT kind you might be expecting (though I have dabbled in Salesforce – more on that later), but the kind who sees potential in most things – organizations, people, plans, projects – and likes to make them even better, especially when they are faced with a challenge.

My need to develop was always an effervescent part of my life purpose, as people would often look to me for straight forward help they could seemingly only get from me or comment on the tenacity required of my own life goals. I was always connected to individuals across age groups and fascinated by what people were doing and why they did the things they did. I suppose this is what you get with parents who are a builder (see above) and a visionary: an individual who is acutely observing all the things in the world for which to develop! I have no doubt this drove my educational and career obsession with organizational psychology, systems, communication and conflict resolution, and ultimately the practical application I have found in consulting.

Naturally, I started “developing” with my closest test subject – ME (or maybe it was my brother or a family pet but we will let them tell their own stories)! I’ll say I officially started my consulting and coaching career working in leadership training and development for an organization called SkillsUSA. I traveled around Washington State and the country advocating for career and technical education, conducting training and public speaking, and coaching the organizations next generation of leaders. I also sat on the Board of Directors and was able to influence programmatic change. In the meantime I finished the first stint of my education and found myself enamored with communications studies – conflict resolution in the workplace to be specific.

My master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine led me to Boston University. During this time I was able to develop a lot of individuals – children, adults, families –  as a clinician and advocate across a variety of systems. I learned an indescribable amount about how the healthcare and education systems are functioning (not well…even several years ago). That understanding drove me to what I already had known was inevitable: furthering my education (yet again, but if you read so far I doubt that surprises you – I’m a developer and I love to learn so I can better contribute).

I needed to understand the systems at play in corporate America better so that I could envision implementing positive change where most of us spend the majority of our lives: at work.  

As I transitioned to Chicago to complete my PhD in Business Psychology, I reentered the consulting world full time. I had several fun independent projects working with small start-up businesses providing advising and coaching. I also joined Centerstance which later was merged into NTT DATA as a project manager specific to the Salesforce ecosystem. While there, I completed my Developer Certification and was a part of the trendy innovation team playing with new – at the time – AI gadgets like the ibeacon and building cool applications.

Since then, and up until this exciting venture with The Lueck Group, I have consulted for a leadership, talent, and transition firm in Chicago. I have had the pleasure of working closely with several fortune 500 firms, their executives, leaders and employees, and focusing on organization and individual effectiveness through consulting and coaching. I have led several large change initiatives, conducted countless workshops, and assessed and partnered with many coachees to support them in getting the best from their business and the most out of their career journey. I am most excited to reunite with my tech roots and love for smaller organizations, continuing to help leaders thoughtfully develop their businesses and their most valuable asset, their people.

For more on my professional profile experience: Jessica LinkedIn

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Jeff Scott, Chief Architect

I am an innovator to the core, an "idea guy", though some also know me as a digital architect, a master developer, or a teacher - all hats I will gladly wear. At the end of the day, I have built my career through following my own curiosities resulting in the expansion of my own learning, as well as challenging what can be done in order to create disruptive digital experiences for my clients. My passion is in creating seamless digital experiences that will actually make lives easier.

I started my career as a Business Architect, with a knack for technology and a natural interest in the potential it had to drastically improve everything around me. As an idea guy, I quickly found myself generating companies to house my creations. Most notably, I founded C-Level Management in 2003, a management consulting and technology incubation firm specializing in business process automation, technology integration and cloud platform solutions. Eventually, my deep expertise resulted in my creating Software Anywhere in 2010, a software productivity app provider/developer for certified applications. Through these organizations, I have had the pleasure of working with clients to blow the lid off of "what can be" and help them harness the power of CRM and platform architecture.

Over the last 25+ years, I have watched companies struggle with new technologies in a variety of ways. The truth is, a lot of technologies do not take into consideration the entire workflow needed to make technology enticing enough to foster 100% adoption. The technology has to be designed in a smart way, that makes people want to use it because it is easier than the old way. My expertise and extensive platform knowledge allow me to work with organizations as their Chief Information Officer or Trusted Advisor, guiding them towards what I like to refer to as the new "DOS" - Digital Operating System, meaning that it is a single unified operating system.

Creating this type of system requires a practical, thoughtful, approach that enables users to access the technology because it's approachable, its been created with openness and humility in mind, so that the end result is something that will really work and be embraced by the end user. To drive these types of results consistently, I have learned to spot great potential in talent but also to develop A players in the Salesforce space. Over years of consulting, teaching and mentoring has always been a core value and approach that I have been applying formally in the classroom at Chapman University, as well as in my approach with clients.

I am excited to work with The Lueck Group team so that I can utilize my in-depth expertise to advise growing Salesforce Partners in their service excellence, as well as individuals striving to be more successful in this ecosystem. I look forward to being a thought partner for our clients toughest technology architecture challenges, teaching and mentoring Salesforce talent, and helping clients tune their delivery to maximize quality and efficiency.

For more on my professional experience: Jeff LinkedIn

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